The following is transcribed from an original, handwritten church register book in my possession. It is labeled only as the Upper Presbyterian Church. It mentions places northwest of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. As best I can tell, this register is from the Upper or Toboyne Presbyterian Church in Jackson Twp, Perry County, PA. The mentions of John Clarke being installed pastor in 1857 and J.I. Ramsey in 1864 in these minutes are consistent with leadership of the Blain/Toboyne congregation as noted in A History of Perry County, Pennsylvania by Harry Harrison Hain (Harrisburg, PA: Hain-Moore Co, 1922), page 292). Many names overlap with a cemetery transcription from a churchyard cemetery by that name, which Find A maps to this location (shown below from Google Earth).

The Upper Presbyterian Church
According to a page on the PAGenWeb, “The Blain Presbyterian Church (also known as the Upper Church) was one of the 3 original Presbyterian Churches in this area. A committee reported that a church should be erected at Alexander Morrow’s or James Blaine’s place, for the residents in the upper end of the valley. A graveyard was already in existence (prior to April 1766) at James Blaine’s.
“The congregation was organized by c1767; with services most likely held in the resident’s homes. A new church was eventually built near James Blaine’s, near where the ‘Upper Church’ still stands, adjoining the existing graveyard. It was a long, low, log building, standing near the schoolhouse on ‘Church Hill.’ Records indicate that the lot on which the church sat, originally belonged to James Blain.
“Membership of the Blain Church eventually declined and by c1920-21, the organization no longer existed. The property of the church was taken over by the Church Hill Cemetery Association.”
An entry for Upper Presbyterian Church in Blaine, Perry, PA in Hall’s Index on the Presbyterian Historical Society website states that in 1838, this church became part of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A (Old School), then in 1870 became part of Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. and was “dissolved or dropped from the roll” in 1925.
Not all entries are fully legible, including names and dates. Entries are transcribed as closely as possible to the originals, including unfinished sentences, spelling, capitalization and punctuation. Some name spellings appear internally inconsistent. Inquiries welcome, as is any additional information about this record book or people mentioned in it.
May 24 1872
No minutes of session are found prior to Jan 3 1858. John A Clark was installed pastor Nov 18 1857 and appears to have been the first who kept any records of session.
The church was organized Rev Jno Linn and was served by some of the ablest ministers of the Presbyterian church. When the church was organized, I cannot now acertain, probably
John Linn [possibly this man] said to be a very able divine, served the church as long as lived. During the first years of preaching, a board fixed between two trees served as a pulpit. The church has never been able to support a minister by itself, and has been united with Centre, Landisburg, Ickesburg or Buffalo and Millerstown[1] in the support of a pastor.
Mr Linn died in 1821 or 1822. Some time after this Mr Omstead preached to the church.
He continued until
He was succeeded by Mr. Nelson
Jan 3 Session met at the call of the moderator present John H Clark, mod Georg Black Wm Hays Samuel Lupper Wm D Hume, Elder. The meeting was opened with prayer. Mrs Jane R Smith was received to the communion of the church on certificate from Big Spring Pres. Church. Adjourned John H Clark Moderator
May 29 Session met at the call of the moderator’s and was opened with prayer by Rev John H Clark. Elders present George Black, Wm Hays, Samuel Lupper and Wm D Hume.
The following persons were received to the communion of the church on examination and profession of their faith Mr David B Hurtey [Hurley?] on certificate from the Bloomfield Pres ChM r JF Mcneal and from the Presbyterian church of Middletown Dr GB Hotchkin and wife. Closed with prayer by Sam Lopper. J. H. Clar, Mod.
Dec 11 Session met at the call of the moderator and was opened with prayer by him. Elders present George Clark, Dr Wm Hays, Samuel Lipper Mr D Hume Misses Mary Elen and Eliza Jane Morrison were received to the communion of the church on examination and profession of their faith & Mr AB Anderson and wife on certificate from Bloomfield.
Mis Sarah Robinson for some time from the bounds of the congregation and not in communion with any church, appeared, and expressed a desire to be still recognized as a member of the church, and admitted to church privileges. Her request was granted.
Mrs Ruth Ewing appeared, and having givin satisfactory evidence of penitance for an offence committed against the church many years ago, was at her earnest request, restored to the communion of Gods people. Closed with prayer by Wm D. Hume.
1859 March 27
Session met, and was opened with prayer by the moderator Elders present . Wm Hays, Sam Lupper and W D Hume.
Mrs Margaret of the [Liven?] family, and miss black at her own request (were) dismissed, to unite with the church and Landisberg.
The following minute in regard to the state of religion in the congregation was unanimously adopted.
It is not our privilege to record any special manifestation of God’s gracious Presence. Few have been found coming out on the Lords side. Many who are generally….[long, not entirely legible passage not transcribed; does not appear to contain names/dates of historical or genealogical interest]
1859 Apr 12
Examined, and approved as far as written At meeting of Presbytery at P? Edwin Emerson Moderator
June 11
Session met at call of moderator all the members present opened with prayer. Messrs Alex, Noel, Thomas, C. Adams, and Patrick McCardle were received to the communion of the church, on examination and profession of their faith. Mr McCardl having been born in the church of Rome, was required to be baptized. After some time spent in consultation upon the interests of the church, session adjourned, to meet at the call of the moderator – John H Clark Mod
Dec 10
Session met at the call of the Moderator and was opened with prayer by Sam Black, P.E. in the Millerstown church. Absent Sam Lupper. Dr G. B. Hotchkin and wife were, at their own request, dismissed to connect with the church from which they came There being no other business before the session, is adjourned John H Clark moderator
1860 May 26
Session met at the call of the moderator, and was opened with prayer Present J.H. Clark, Dr Wm Hays, George Black, Samuel Lupper and Wm D Hume. The following persons were received to the communion of the church, on certificate from the Germ. Ref. of Blair [Blain?] Mrs. Ann Eliza McConnell, From the Great Island Church of Lockhaven, PA[2] Mrs Mary Fertig. From the Heathland Church, Ill. Mrs R. K. Woods From the first Congregational Ch of Ottawa Ill. Mr R.L. Woods From the church of Mercersburg [?] Isaac Andrews and his wife, also Jacob Andrews and his wife.
There being no other business before the session, it adjourned to meet at the call of the moderator. J.H Clark Moderator
1861 May
Session met at the call of the moderator and was opened with prayer. Present J.H. Clark, Geo. Black, Dr. Wm. Hays and Wm. D Hume. Mrs Nesbit who had been unsettled for some years past, appeared before session, and stated the facts in the case. It was at her own request, by unanimous consent of session granted all the privileges of church membership. Mr. Josep Flemming was received to the full communion of the church on examination and profession of faith
Elders Wm Hume and Dr Hays were appointed to wait on Mr James and admonish him of neglecting the ordinances of God’s house and urge upon him immediate repentance. Prayer was again offered, and session adjourned to meet at the call of the moderator. J.H. Clark Mod
Dec 7
Session met at the call of the moderator, was opened with prayer Present J.H. Clark, Dr Wm Hays, Geo. Black and Wm D Hume Miss Eliza McCardle was received to the communion of the church on certificate from the Meth E Ch [Methodist Episcopal Church] The committee appointed at previous meeting to visit James Woods reported that they had seen him and obtained no satisfaction, and he having continued to absent himself from the sanctuary, it was resolved to cite him to appear before the session, and answer to his neglect of the ordinances of Gods house. Sessioned adjourned to meet on the 28th inst at the upper church, at 2 Oclock P.M., and to the Clerk was appointed to cite Mr Wood to appear at that time and place. Jno H Clark Moderator
1861 Dec 28
Session met according to the adjournment Present moderator, and ruling elders, George Black, Wm Hays and Wm D Hume.
Mr Woods failed to appear, and after consultation, session agreed to defer action definate action in his case until after time for further deliberation.
There being no other business before session, it adjourned to meet at the call of the moderator. Jno H. Clark, Moderator
1862 June 28
Session met at the call of the Moderator, was opened with prayer by Sam Lupper. Presint Rev J.H. Clark – George Black Wm Hays Wm D Hume & Samuel Luppeper.
The following preamble and resolution were adopted.
Whereas it appears that the non appearance at the last meeting was oweing to a mistake in dating the citation and whereas Mr Wood has ceased to absent himself from the ordinances of Gods house.
Resolved that further action in his case is unnecessary
1861 [page header, appears to be an error]
Session adjourned John H Clark Moderator
1864 Oct 3
At a congregational meeting of this church, regularly called to elect a pastor, Rev J.I. Ramsey, was unanimously chosen as such and Elders George Black and Wm. Hays were empowered to sign the call in behalf of said congregation Wm Hays Clerk
1865 Apr 12
Resolved: that Presbytery hereby express its decided disapprobation of there being no record of a meeting of session for a period of nearly three years. Done at Duncannon, Apr 12th 1865 Jno R Warner, Moderator
1865 May 13th
Session met at the call of the moderator, J.S. Ramsey, was opened with prayer
Mrs Elizabeth Koontz and Mr Samuel C Morrow were received into the full communion of the church on profession of their faith and James I McElhenny [or McElkenny] on certificate from the Middle Spring Pres Church and his wife Mrs Adatine L McElhenny from the Meth. Epis. Church Shippensberg Circuit, east Baltimore Conference
James Wm. Lupper was also received on examination and profession of faith
Closed with prayer by Wm D Hume Wm Hays Clerk of session
Dec 30
Session met at call of Moderator after sermon by Rev Cochran opened with prayer.
James A Woods
Mary Woods
Angeline Woods
were received into full membership of church on a satisfactory examination and profession of their faith. Adjourned with prayer. Wm Hays Clerk
1867 May 2
Session met at call of moderator opened with prayer by same.
Jocina B Koontz
Anna M. Woods
Laura J Woods after satisfactory examination as to their faith and change of heart, were received into full communion of the church Wm Hays Clerk of Ses
James J. Hamilton was invited to supply the vacant pulpit at the Upper Church on the
May June
Session met, was opened with prayer. Present, J.J. Hamilton as acting moderator, Wm. Hays, A.B. Anderson, and Thom McConnell. Session decided to have the communion of the Lords Supper administered on the 20th of June. Wm Hays Clerk
Session met, was opened with prayer. Present J.J. Hamilton by invitation as mod. Wm Hays, A.B. Anderson and Thom. McConnel Joseph Woods was received into full communion of the church on profession of his faith Wm Hays Clerk
(Rev J.J. Hamilton was installed Pastor of the Upper Presbyterian church. In this service Rev Robt McPherson preached the sermon and proposed the constitutional question, and gave the charge to the Pastor. McKombs gave the charge to the people.)
1870 March 4
Session met at New Germantown. Present J.J. Hamilton Moderator, Dr Wm Hays and Thomas McConnell [McGonnell?].
Clandren Holland
Margaret Johnson and
Charlotte Graham were received on examination and profession of their faith and Sanak Jane Hays on certificate from the 2nd Presbyterian Church Harrisburg. Closed with prayer Wm Hays Clerk
Aug 12
Session met at the call of the moderator. All present (Dr Wm Hays A.B. Anderson and Thomas McConnell) was opened with prayer
Mrs Martha Rody was received into membership, in full, on examination, and profession of their faith in Christ Wm Hays Clerk
Oct 30
Session met. All present it being after sermon. It was agreed that the Lords supper be administered on the 13th of next month. Wm Hays Clerk
Nov 12
Session met after services, was opened with prayer all present. J.J. Hamilton mod. Wm Hays, A.B. Anderson, Thomas McConnell.
Mrs Lackey
Dr George Mitchell and wife Mrs Eleanor Mitchell and Martha Woods made application for church membership, and an a credible prosession of their faith were received into full communion. Adjourned Wm Hays Clerk
1871 Feb 18
Session met. All present, opened with prayer
Mr. J.Q.A Moreland [this person?], and his wife Mrs. Sara K Moreland, and Mr Steppenson Adams mad application for church membership, and after a careful examination as to their faith and a change of heart were unanimously received Adjourned Wm Hays Clerk of Session
1871 May
[left blank]
Oct 1
Session met, was opened with prayer. All members present. Susan Foster, Jermina Jennie Rephart [Kephart?], Mary Jane Long, Mollie Aikens, Mary Mary Miller, Emeline Winnick, Pollie Thomas Josephine Taft.
[end of session minutes]
Register of Elders
[left blank]
Register of Deacons
[left blank]
Register of Communicants [entries grouped together are bracketed together in register]
A | REMARKS | |||||
Thomas Adams sen Adams | ||||||
Thomas Adams jun Mrs Elizabeth Adams | ||||||
Mrs Polly Adams | ||||||
Mr Stephan Adams | Feb 18 | 1871 | Exam | |||
Miss Scynthea Ann Adams | ||||||
Miss Mary Jane Adams | ||||||
Mr Thomas C Adams | June 11 | 1859 | Exam | 187 | An excellent R Elder | |
Mr A.B. Anderson Mrs Mary A Anderson | Decem 8 or 11 | 1848 | Bloomsfield | |||
Mrs Anderson, sen | 1871 | A very old and ex lady | ||||
Mr Jacob Andrews Mrs Jacob Andrews | March 21 Date of dis | 1860 | Mercersburg | |||
Mr Isaac Andrews Mrs Isaac Andrews | May 26 Date of admission | 1860 | Mercersburg | |||
B | ||||||
Louisa Brickley | April 28 | 1843 | Lutheran Lockport | |||
Miss Margaret Black | March 27 1859 Landisberg | |||||
C | ||||||
Rebecca Culbertson | Aug 10 | 1848 | From Shipens | |||
Mary Culbertson | Jan 1 | 1845 | Middlespring | |||
Clark, Mrs L | Landisburg 1871 | |||||
D | ||||||
[no entries] | ||||||
E | ||||||
Mrs Ruth Ewing | Restored Dec 11 | 1858 | ||||
F | ||||||
Mr George Fiester | April 7 | 1858 | Upper [?] | |||
Mrs Rachel Fiester | ||||||
Mrs Mary Fertig | May 26 | 1860 | Great Island | |||
Mr Joseph Flemming | May | 1861 | Exam | |||
G | ||||||
John W Graham Charlotte Graham | March 4 | 1870 | Exam | Reside in Germantown | ||
Miss Fanny Gray | ||||||
Hugh Grey | ||||||
H | ||||||
Mr Wm Hume Hume | April 29 Feb 13 | 1851 1851 | Big Spring Bloomsette | |||
Mr David B Hurley | April 29 | 1858 | Exam | |||
Dr G. B. Hotchkin | April 29 | 1858 | Certif from Mid | Dismissed to Midette [written in between lines: Dec 10 1859] town, from whence they came | ||
Dr Wm Hays Mrs Wm Hays | Dismissed to Landisberg 1871 | 1871 Dr Haws was a R [?] Elder in the church and a very userful mem They are all [?] | ||||
Miss Sarak Jane Hays | March 4 | 1870 | 2 ch. Harris | Landisberg 1871 | ||
Mr Claudius Holland | March 4 | 1870 | Exam | |||
Hench, Mrs Martha | ||||||
Hench, Mrs M | Carlisle 1870 | |||||
I-J | ||||||
Mrs Letitia Johnston | April 22 | 1864 | From U.P. Concord | |||
Miss Mary Johnston | ||||||
Mrs Samuel Johnston | ||||||
Mrs Margaret Johnston | March 4 | 1870 | Exam | |||
K | ||||||
Mrs Elizabeth Koontz | May 13 | 1865 | Exam | |||
L | ||||||
Mrs Mary Jane Lupper | Nov 2 | 1848 | Certificate Pelinsburg [?] | |||
Mr James Wm Lupper | May 13 | 1865 | Exam | |||
Mrs Lackey | Nov 12 | 1870 | Exam | |||
Long Men June | ||||||
M | ||||||
Mrs Jane Morrison | ||||||
Miss Eliza Jane Morrisson | Dec 11 | 1858 | Examine | |||
Miss Mary E Morrison | Decem 11 | 1858 | Examine | |||
Mr Samuel C Morrow | May 13 | 1865 | Exam | |||
Mrs Sarah Morrow | Meth E.C. | |||||
Dr Geo. W. Mitchell | Nov 12 | 1870 | Exam | |||
Mrs Ellen Mitchell | Nov 12 | 1870 | Exam | |||
Mr. J.Q.A Moreland Mrs Sarak Moreland | Feb 18 Feb 18 | 1871 1871 | Exam Exam | |||
Miss Mary Moreland | Exam | |||||
Miss Ellee Moreland | Exam | |||||
Motzer Mr Martin Motzer Mrs | ||||||
Margaret Morrison | ||||||
Mc | ||||||
Mr James McElhaney | May 13 | 1865 | Middlespring | |||
Mrs Adoline McElhaney | May 13 | 1855 | Meth E C | |||
Mr Thomas McConnell | ||||||
Mrs Ann. Elize McConnell | April 29 or May 26 | 1860 | Reformed or Blom [?] | |||
Mr James McConnell McConnell | ||||||
Mrs Eleanor McClintock | 1851 | U.P. Tuscaroras [?] | ||||
Mr James F McNeal | May 28 13 | 1858 | Blomfield | |||
Martha McNeal | ||||||
Miss Elizabeth McCardle | June 25 | 1861 | Methodist | |||
Mr Patrick McCardle | June 11 | 1859 | ||||
Mrs Patrick McCardle | ||||||
N | ||||||
Mr Alexander Noel | June 11 | 1859 | Exam | |||
Mrs Rebecca | Noel | |||||
Mrs Nesbit | 1861 | |||||
O | ||||||
[no entries] | ||||||
P | ||||||
[no entries] | ||||||
Q-R | ||||||
Sarah Robinson, Miss | Dec 11 | 1858 | Exam [note: “appears to be”…?] | |||
Mrs Martha Rody | Aug 12 | 1870 | ||||
Mrs | ||||||
S | ||||||
Mary Stocklan | Dec 5 | 1852 | Carlysle | |||
Mrs Jane B [or R] Smith | Jan 3 | 1858 | Big Spring | |||
T-U-V | ||||||
[no entries] | ||||||
W | ||||||
Mrs Louisa Wood | Certificate from Lutheran | |||||
Mr R.L. Woods | May 26 | 1859 or 1860 | Cong Ill. | |||
Mrs R.L. Woods | Feb 29 or May 26 | 1860 | Heath Land | |||
James A Woods Mary Woods Angeline Woods | Dec 30 | 1865 | Exam | |||
Mr James A Woods | ||||||
Mr Joseph Woods | June 19 | 1869 | Exam | |||
Anna M Woods | May 2 | 1867 | Exam | |||
Laura J Woods | May 2 | 1867 | Exam | |||
Martha Woods | Nov 12 | 1870 | Exam | |||
Woods, Mr Thomas, sen | ||||||
Woods Elizabeth |
Register of baptisms
[left blank]
Register of marriages
[left blank]
Register of deaths
A.B. Anderson | At attorney, a Re [?] El [Elder?] A Judge of the county | |
Anderson | Mother of the above | |
Adams Johannes | A R [?] Elder, and [?] |
Loose page:
Blain, May the 15, 1871
This Certifies that the barer Margaret Morrow is an acceptable Member of the Methodist Episcopal Church New Bloomfield Circuit, Central Pennsylvania Conference
E. Shoemaker Pastor
Loose page:
Prof Feb 6th 1872 [possibly profession of faith]
Wm H. Hall [written in different script, looks like it was added later]
Susan Foster
Mary Jane Long
Molly Akens
Nettie Harrison
Polly Thomas – Consent of Mother wanted
Emeline Winrick DO DO [ditto marks under ‘Consent of Mother wanted’]
Mary Miller DO DO [ditto marks under ‘Consent of Mother wanted’]
Josephine Taft DO DO [ditto marks under ‘Consent of Mother wanted’]
Loose page [undated, in pencil]:
1 Mary Myers
2 Annie Mathews
3 Jennie Kephart
4 Emory Hipple
5 Joseph Gillum Not Baptized
6 Lizzie Evaits DO [Ditto under “Not Baptized”]
7 John Stuart DO [Ditto under “Not Baptized”]
8 James McDonnald DO [Ditto under “Not Baptized”]
9 John Williams DO [Ditto under “Not Baptized”]
10 Jno. E. Ruppert DO [Ditto under “Not Baptized”]
Molly Matthes
Mary Evans
Virginia Harlley, Mrs Sarah Dearing, John Dearing, Patterson
[written sideways in large script on same page]
Mary Bella Moreland
Ella N J Moreland
[reverse of same page]
Polly Thomas
Susan Foster
Josephine Taft
Emeline Winnick
Mollie Akens
Nettie Harrisson
Mary Miller
Mary Jane Long
Wm. H. Hall
[1] Places by these names all appear in an area northwest of Harrisburg, PA.
[2] Possibly this church:
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